The Foundation #008 Tracklist
01 - Codes - Don’t Stop
02 - Marc Spence - Mooda Koopa
03 - Breaking Beattz - Electric
04 - MKJay - Get Yo!
05 - Chris Lawyer - What Is A Party [Chris Lawyer Exclusive]
06 - Droooping - Play One
07 - Victor Lou, Ian Urbina - Special
08 - Tálita Mara, Gunball - Liu Want [Naschkatze Underground]
09 - Galoski - Wasting My Time [Promo Of The Episode]
10 - Volac - Feel It 11 - FlexB, Zuul - Isis 12 - Simond Field - Sirens feat. Yasmine Jane (Tube & Berger Remix) 13 - FeelGood, Whigle - Chão
14 - Chris Lawyer - Ghetto Blaster (INNDRIVE Remix) [Naschkatze Underground]
15 - AC Slater - Stand Up (VIP Mix)
16 - Zuffo, Gabzy - Boom
17 - Dash Groove, Kubi, Maaker - Over
18 - Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk - Love Can’t Turn Around feat. Darryl Pandy [Foundation Flashback]
Listen on YouTube or SoundCloud, click on the link:
YouTube - https://youtu.be/sDK1x8f0qx8 MixCloud - https://www.mixcloud.com/djchrislawyer/chris-lawyer-the-foundation-008/